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Protocol Documentation#

Configuration data structures for HayBox firmware.


Analog axis modifier definition.

Creates a mapping that a specified analog axis should have a specified multiplier applied to it when a specified set of button inputs are held down.

Field Type Label Description
buttons Button repeated A list of buttons that must all be pressed simultaneously to activate this modifier.
axis AnalogAxis The analog axis to modify.
multiplier float The multiplier to apply to axis.
combination_mode ModifierCombinationMode The resolution behaviour to use when multiple modifiers are applied to the same axis.


Analog trigger mapping.

Maps a button input to set a specified analog trigger with a predetermined value.

Field Type Label Description
button Button The button input that should activate the trigger.
trigger AnalogTrigger The analog trigger to activate.
value uint32 The value to set the trigger to when button is pressed.


Mapping of multiple button inputs to a single digital output.

Field Type Label Description
buttons Button repeated A list of buttons that must all be pressed simultaneously to activate this mapping.
digital_output DigitalOutput The digital button output to activate when the button combo is pressed.


Button remapping descriptor.

Specifies a remapping from one button to another. You can map multiple physical buttons to activate the same button, but one physical button cannot activate multiple inputs.

Field Type Label Description
physical_button Button The physical button input to remap.
activates Button The button input to activate instead when the above physical button is pressed.


Button to RGB color code mapping.

Used by RgbConfig to specify per-key lighting colors.

Field Type Label Description
button Button The button to apply the LED color to.
color uint32 The RGB color value to apply.


Button to HID keyboard keycode mapping.

Used by KeyboardModeConfig to map button inputs to keyboard inputs.

Field Type Label Description
button Button The button input that should output this keycode.
keycode uint32 The HID keycode to output.


A communication backend config.

Defines a comms backend profile.

Field Type Label Description
backend_id CommunicationBackendId The ID of the underlying CommunicationBackend implementation to use.
default_mode_config uint32 The default gamemode profile to activate after initialization.
activation_binding Button repeated The combination of buttons to hold on plugin to activate this comms backend config.
secondary_backends CommunicationBackendId repeated Currently unused.


The global container for all device configuration data.

Field Type Label Description
game_mode_configs GameModeConfig repeated Array containing all defined gamemode profiles.
communication_backend_configs CommunicationBackendConfig repeated Array containing all defined communication backend configs.
custom_modes CustomModeConfig repeated Array containing custom controller mode definitions.
keyboard_modes KeyboardModeConfig repeated Array containing custom keyboard mode definitions.
rgb_configs RgbConfig repeated Array containing per-key RGB lighting profiles.
default_backend_config uint32 Index into the communication_backend_configs array specifying which CommunicationBackendConfig to fall back to if none is selected by button holds, console detection, or other methods. This array index starts at 1, because Protobuf 3 does not transmit zeroes and has no other way to check field presence.
default_usb_backend_config uint32 Index into the communication_backend_configs array specifying which CommunicationBackendConfig to default to if the console detection step detects that USB is connected, and no button hold or other method is used to manually select a specific USB backend. This array index starts at 1, because Protobuf 3 does not transmit zeroes and has no other way to check field presence.
rgb_brightness uint32 Overall RGB brightness modifier, which applies to all RgbConfigs.
melee_options MeleeOptions Melee mode specific options.
project_m_options ProjectMOptions Project M mode specific options.


Analog stick coordinates.

Used by various customisation options to describe analog stick positions with unsigned X and Y values.

Field Type Label Description
x uint32 The X coordinate of the stick.
y uint32 The Y coordinate of the stick.


Custom gamemode definition.

Used to implement a fully custom gamemode from scratch, mapping button inputs to digital buttons, stick directions, analog trigger values, and analog axis modifiers.

Field Type Label Description
id uint32 Currently unused.
digital_button_mappings Button repeated An ordered list of button inputs to map to gamepad buttons, following the same order of the output buttons in DigitalOutput (i.e. first input in this list is mapped to the A button, second input is mapped to B, and so on).
stick_direction_mappings Button repeated An ordered list of button inputs to map to analog stick directions, following the order of the specifiers in StickDirectionButton (i.e. first input in this list is mapped to Left Stick Up, second input is mapped to Left Stick Down, and so on).
analog_trigger_mappings AnalogTriggerMapping repeated Maps button inputs to specific analog trigger values values.
modifiers AnalogModifier repeated Applies specified multipliers to analog axes when specified buttons are pressed.
stick_range uint32 The base stick range to apply based when stick direction buttons are pressed, which may then have modifiers applied to it.
button_combo_mappings ButtonComboMapping repeated Applies mappings of multiple button inputs to single digital output.


Device info message.

Sent to host in response to a GET_DEVICE_INFO command.

Field Type Label Description
firmware_name string The name of the firmware running on the device - HayBox by default, but can be changed in PlatformIO config.
firmware_version string The running firmware build version.
device_name string The name of the device - currently this is pulled straight from the PlatformIO build environment name.


A general config profile.

Defines a gamemode profile.

Field Type Label Description
mode_id GameModeId The ID of the underlying InputMode implementing class to use.
name string The name of the profile (optional).
socd_pairs SocdPair repeated Pairs of button inputs to apply SOCD handling to, and the SOCD cleaning algorithms to use.
button_remapping ButtonRemap repeated Button remappings to apply.
activation_binding Button repeated The combination of buttons to press simultaneously to activate this profile.
custom_mode_config uint32 Index into the Config.custom_modes array of CustomModeConfigs. Only valid when mode_id = CUSTOM_MODE. This array index starts at 1, because Protobuf 3 does not transmit zeroes and has no other way to check field presence.
keyboard_mode_config uint32 Index into the Config.keyboard_modes array of KeyboardModeConfigs. Only valid when mode_id = KEYBOARD_MODE. This array index starts at 1, because Protobuf 3 does not transmit zeroes and has no other way to check field presence.
rgb_config uint32 An RgbConfig to apply when this mode is activated. This is an index into the Config.rgb_configs array of RgbConfigs (optional). This array index starts at 1, because Protobuf 3 does not transmit zeroes and has no other way to check field presence.


A config profile for a custom HID keyboard mode.

Field Type Label Description
id uint32 Currently unused.
buttons_to_keycodes ButtonToKeycodeMapping repeated A map of button inputs to HID keycodes.


Melee mode specific options.

Field Type Label Description
crouch_walk_os bool Set to true to enable downward diagonal coordinate which will cause you to enter walk state if you are hit while crouching.
disable_ledgedash_socd_override bool Set to true to disable the horizontal SOCD modifier override intended to assist with ledgedashing.
custom_airdodge Coords Custom airdodge X/Y coordinates. Valid X/Y values are 0 to 80.


Project M mode specific options.

Field Type Label Description
true_z_press bool Set to true to make a Z input (mapped to RF3 by default) output an actual Z button press rather than the default analog shield + A grab macro. The default macro behaviour allows you to L cancel with Z without being locked out of tech, and true Z is still accessible by pressing Mod X (mapped to LT2 by default) and Z at the same time.
disable_ledgedash_socd_override bool Set to true to disable the horizontal SOCD modifier override intended to assist with ledgedashing.
custom_airdodge Coords Custom airdodge X/Y coordinates. Valid X/Y values are 0 to 100.


A per-key RGB lighting profile.

Field Type Label Description
button_colors ButtonToColorMapping repeated Map of buttons to RGB color codes.
default_color uint32 The default color to apply where specific button color is not mapped.
animation RgbAnimationId The animation effect to apply to the LEDs.
speed uint32 Speed at which to render the animation.


SOCD pair.

Specifies a pair of button inputs to apply SOCD handling to, and the SOCD cleaning algorithm to use.

Field Type Label Description
button_dir1 Button The first direction button.
button_dir2 Button The second direction button.
socd_type SocdType The SOCD cleaning mode to apply to the above button inputs.


Analog axis specifier used for binding AnalogModifiers to specific axes.

Name Number Description
AXIS_UNSPECIFIED 0 No axis specified.
AXIS_LSTICK_X 1 Left stick X-axis.
AXIS_LSTICK_Y 2 Left stick Y-axis.
AXIS_RSTICK_X 3 Right stick X-axis.
AXIS_RSTICK_Y 4 Right stick Y-axis.
AXIS_LTRIGGER 5 Left trigger axis.
AXIS_RTRIGGER 6 Right trigger axis.


Analog trigger specifier used by AnalogTriggerMapping to bind button inputs to analog trigger values.

Name Number Description
TRIGGER_UNSPECIFIED 0 No trigger specified.
TRIGGER_LT 1 Left Trigger.
TRIGGER_RT 2 Right Trigger.


Button identifiers for all 60 supported button inputs.

Name Number Description
BTN_UNSPECIFIED 0 Unspecified button.
BTN_LF1 1 Left Finger 1
BTN_LF2 2 Left Finger 2
BTN_LF3 3 Left Finger 3
BTN_LF4 4 Left Finger 4
BTN_LF5 5 Left Finger 5
BTN_LF6 6 Left Finger 6
BTN_LF7 7 Left Finger 7
BTN_LF8 8 Left Finger 8
BTN_LF9 9 Left Finger 9
BTN_LF10 10 Left Finger 10
BTN_LF11 11 Left Finger 11
BTN_LF12 12 Left Finger 12
BTN_LF13 13 Left Finger 13
BTN_LF14 14 Left Finger 14
BTN_LF15 15 Left Finger 15
BTN_LF16 16 Left Finger 16
BTN_RF1 17 Right Finger 1
BTN_RF2 18 Right Finger 2
BTN_RF3 19 Right Finger 3
BTN_RF4 20 Right Finger 4
BTN_RF5 21 Right Finger 5
BTN_RF6 22 Right Finger 6
BTN_RF7 23 Right Finger 7
BTN_RF8 24 Right Finger 8
BTN_RF9 25 Right Finger 9
BTN_RF10 26 Right Finger 10
BTN_RF11 27 Right Finger 11
BTN_RF12 28 Right Finger 12
BTN_RF13 29 Right Finger 13
BTN_RF14 30 Right Finger 14
BTN_RF15 31 Right Finger 15
BTN_RF16 32 Right Finger 16
BTN_LT1 33 Left Thumb 1
BTN_LT2 34 Left Thumb 2
BTN_LT3 35 Left Thumb 3
BTN_LT4 36 Left Thumb 4
BTN_LT5 37 Left Thumb 5
BTN_LT6 38 Left Thumb 6
BTN_LT7 39 Left Thumb 7
BTN_LT8 40 Left Thumb 8
BTN_RT1 41 Right Thumb 1
BTN_RT2 42 Right Thumb 2
BTN_RT3 43 Right Thumb 3
BTN_RT4 44 Right Thumb 4
BTN_RT5 45 Right Thumb 5
BTN_RT6 46 Right Thumb 6
BTN_RT7 47 Right Thumb 7
BTN_RT8 48 Right Thumb 8
BTN_MB1 49 Menu Button 1
BTN_MB2 50 Menu Button 2
BTN_MB3 51 Menu Button 3
BTN_MB4 52 Menu Button 4
BTN_MB5 53 Menu Button 5
BTN_MB6 54 Menu Button 6
BTN_MB7 55 Menu Button 7
BTN_MB8 56 Menu Button 8
BTN_MB9 57 Menu Button 9
BTN_MB10 58 Menu Button 10
BTN_MB11 59 Menu Button 11
BTN_MB12 60 Menu Button 12


Message type identifier for use when sending/receiving messages to/from a HayBox device.

Name Number Description
CMD_UNSPECIFIED 0 Invalid command.
CMD_GET_DEVICE_INFO 1 Request device info from device.
CMD_SET_DEVICE_INFO 2 Respond with device info to host.
CMD_GET_CONFIG 3 Request current active configuration from device.
CMD_SET_CONFIG 4 Respond to host with current active configuration, or send new configuration to apply to device.
CMD_ERROR 5 Respond to host with error message.
CMD_SUCCESS 6 Respond to host confirming operation completed successfully.
CMD_REBOOT_FIRMWARE 7 Request for device to reboot into firmware.
CMD_REBOOT_BOOTLOADER 8 Request for device to reboot into bootloader.


Gamemode identifier.

Indicates to the firmware which communication backend class to switch to when activating a CommunicationBackendConfig.

Name Number Description
COMMS_BACKEND_UNSPECIFIED 0 No backend specified.
COMMS_BACKEND_DINPUT 1 HID/DirectInput gamepad backend.
COMMS_BACKEND_XINPUT 2 XInput gamepad backend.
COMMS_BACKEND_GAMECUBE 3 GameCube console backend.
COMMS_BACKEND_N64 4 N64 console backend.
COMMS_BACKEND_NES 5 NES console backend.
COMMS_BACKEND_SNES 6 SNES console backend.
COMMS_BACKEND_CONFIGURATOR 8 Configurator mode - for reading/writing config via this protocol.


Output state button identifiers, used by CustomModeConfig to bind button inputs to digital gamepad outputs.

Name Number Description
GP_UNSPECIFIED 0 Invalid output.
GP_A 1 The A button.
GP_B 2 The B button.
GP_X 3 The X button.
GP_Y 4 The Y button.
GP_LB 5 The left bumper.
GP_RB 6 The right bumper.
GP_LT 7 The left trigger.
GP_RT 8 The right trigger.
GP_START 9 The Start button.
GP_SELECT 10 The Select button.
GP_HOME 11 The Home button.
GP_CAPTURE 12 The Capture button.
GP_DPAD_UP 13 The Up direction on the D-Pad.
GP_DPAD_DOWN 14 The Down direction on the D-Pad.
GP_DPAD_LEFT 15 The Left direction on the D-Pad.
GP_DPAD_RIGHT 16 The Right direction on the D-Pad.
GP_LSTICK_CLICK 17 The click input of the left analog stick.
GP_RSTICK_CLICK 18 The click input of the right analog stick.


Gamemode identifier.

Indicates to the firmware which gamemode class to switch to when activating a GameModeConfig.

Name Number Description
MODE_UNSPECIFIED 0 No mode specified.
MODE_MELEE 1 Built-in Super Smash Bros Melee mode.
MODE_PROJECT_M 2 Built in Project M/Project+ mode.
MODE_ULTIMATE 3 Built-in Super Smash Bros Ultimate mode.
MODE_FGC 4 Built-in traditional fighting game/hitbox-style mode.
MODE_RIVALS_OF_AETHER 5 Built-in Rivals of Aether mode.
MODE_KEYBOARD 6 Keyboard mode - a GameModeConfig using this mode id must set GameModeConfig.keyboard_mode_config to reference a KeyboardModeConfig.
MODE_CUSTOM 7 Custom gamemode - a GameModeConfig using this mode id must set GameModeConfig.custom_mode_config to reference a CustomModeConfig.


Modifier combination mode.

Specifies the behaviour when multiple modifiers are applied to the same axis.

Name Number Description
COMBINATION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED 0 No combination mode specified - currently defaults to COMBINATION_MODE_OVERRIDE.
COMBINATION_MODE_COMPOUND 1 Compound combination mode - modifiers applying to the same axis stack with each other multiplicatively.
COMBINATION_MODE_OVERRIDE 2 Override combination mode - modifiers applying to the same axis override each other, with the last one applied taking priority over all others.


RGB animation identifier.

Indicates to the firmware which animation to use when activation an RgbConfig.

Name Number Description
RGB_ANIM_UNSPECIFIED 0 No animation specified.
RGB_ANIM_STATIC 1 Static - no animation.
RGB_ANIM_BREATHE 2 Simple "breathing" (fade in, fade out) animation.
RGB_ANIM_REACTIVE_SIMPLE 3 Per-key reactive LED (keys light up when pressed).


SOCD cleaning methods.

Name Number Description
SOCD_NEUTRAL 1 Neutral SOCD (Left + Right = neutral)
SOCD_2IP 2 Second input priority: Left -> Left + Right = Right, and vice versa. Releasing the second direction gives the original direction.
SOCD_2IP_NO_REAC 3 Second input priority without reactivation - same as above, except releasing the second direction results in neutral. The original direction must be physically reactuated.
SOCD_DIR1_PRIORITY 4 The first button in the SocdPair always takes priority over the second
SOCD_DIR2_PRIORITY 5 The second button in the SocdPair always takes priority over the first


Stick direction specifiers used for mapping analog stick directions to buttons in CustomModeConfig.

Name Number Description
SD_UNSPECIFIED 0 No stick direction specified.
SD_LSTICK_UP 1 Up on the left analog stick.
SD_LSTICK_DOWN 2 Down on the left analog stick.
SD_LSTICK_LEFT 3 Left on the left analog stick.
SD_LSTICK_RIGHT 4 Right on the left analog stick.
SD_RSTICK_UP 5 Up on the right analog stick.
SD_RSTICK_DOWN 6 Down on the right analog stick.
SD_RSTICK_LEFT 7 Left on the right analog stick.
SD_RSTICK_RIGHT 8 Right on the right analog stick.

Scalar Value Types#

.proto Type Notes C++ Java Python Go C# PHP Ruby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)